Saturday, October 3, 2009

Just Stories

Once Andrew was diagnosed, I started to hear horror stories about diabetes everywhere I went. They aren't mine to share, but several scared me. One day Andrew's school nurse was encouraging us to consider a family diabetes camp. She said, "As soon as people find out you have diabetes, they all have to tell their story, just like when you are pregnant... At camp, you are around other families finding solutions to the everyday issues." That's when I realized that I had been taking the diabetes stories way too seriously. After 5 pregnancies, I knew better than to worry about every pregnancy story I heard. Yet, I still worried about the diabetic stories. For us, it seems like nearly everyday has a story. We've had extreme highs & extreme lows & close calls. When the day is done, though, it is just another story. We start fresh each morning & try again. Thanks for the perspective!


  1. I just requested a book to read and review about a ballerina with diabetes. After I'm done I'd be glad to pass it along if you're interested

  2. Thanks, but I think we have it! Vanderbilt hosts a Family Day each year with fantastic speakers. The author was one of them, and she gave out copies of the book. Another was Team Type One, a group of professional cyclists who all have type 1 diabetes. Vanderbilt continually reminds kids that they can still do anything they want to do!

  3. What a wonderful program they provide....
