Sunday, September 13, 2009

No One Could Watch Andrew

Less than a week out of the hospital, Will came down with a stomach virus. I took the rest of the kids to Ryan's basketball practice to avoid the germs. Honestly, I wasn't doing well. I was 6 months pregnant, very sleep deprived, and emotionally and physically drained. After talking to a friend about what was going on, I went to the bathroom to try and pull myself together. There, I discovered that I was spotting worse than I had with the miscarriage. I really thought I was going to lose Ben from the stress. I figured the doctor would tell me to go the hospital, but that led to the next question: What would I do with Andrew? We hadn't had time to train anyone on measuring & drawing up insulin, counting carbs, how to handle lows, etc. I really didn't want to go to the hospital alone, and I just fell apart. Thankfully, when I went home and laid down, the bleeding stopped. It helped us realize that we had to train some help! I was having a baby, and sooner or later, both Gene and I would be heading to the hospital.


  1. Oh my!!! So I'm guessing you trained whomever was going to watch the kids when you delivered???

  2. My mom learned to take care of him very quickly. Gene's dad tried, but giving shots was really hard on him. Becky offered to help, and she actually gave Andrew one of his shots while I was in the hospital & Daddy was here! She's been great for helping him have normal freedoms while I still know he's safe.

  3. What a blessing to have Becky nextdoor
