Thursday, June 9, 2011

I Like Your Mom!

We are finally out of school, so I should catch up on this blog soon. Here is the quoteof the day:

This morning, a bagger at the grocery store was helping us unload the cart for purchasing when I spotted the sale on candy. I turned to Andrew and said, "There is a sale on starbursts and skittles. We're getting low so let's stock up." I've grown accustomed to the strange things that only a parent of a child with diabetes would say, so I chuckled when the bagger turned to Andrew and said, "I like your mom!" Realizing that he mistook me for a cool mom who actually buys candy for fun, I clarified that I had to buy candy because my son is diabetic. That sounded crazy too even though it is true. Safety step #1 when on insulin is to always have a source of fast-acting sugar in case your blood sugar goes too low. At home, we use glucose tabs and juice. The ballfield on the other hand ...

Andrew pitches and hits better if I can keep his blood sugar close to normal. Insulin, heat, exercise, excitement, and adrenaline are an interesting mix, so sometimes I need small doses of sugar to keep him from going low without spiking too high. Chocolate won't survive the heat, so skittles and starburst are the portable & tolerable glucose sources of choice. He'd probably rather run high through the game than have to eat glucose tabs all the time. Now, I'm stocked up & the bagger likes me today!

1 comment:

  1. And if the bagger likes you, he'll be sure to not squash your bread or break your eggs :)
