Sunday, July 24, 2011

Looking for a new family camp

I've wanted to write this blog since we missed a week of school due to snow in January! I had promised the kids that we would go back to family camp that was supposed to be right after school got out.  In January, we had a wonderful snow.  I enjoyed it, but, since I work in a different system, every snow day pushed my school year further and further into family camp.  I got out of school in time for the last day of family camp.  I searched the internet for family diabetes camps and realized that we have something very special and family camps are rare.  I did, however, find a conference we could all attend ... in Disney World!  It was the Friends For Life International Children With Diabetes Conference on July 5-10, 2011.  I'll take a few posts to tell the story, but we had a wonderful time!


  1. A conference at Disney - sounds wonderful. I see that you start school a week earlier than the kids and Fall breaks don't match up at all :(

  2. Yes, I really miss having our breaks together! Our Spring break is different too.
