Yesterday was Vanderbilt Day. Kaitlyn went for her oral glucose tolerance test, & Andrew had his check-up. Last year, Kaitlyn's ogtt was so high that I thought that a type 1 diagnosis for her was right around the corner. Six months ago, her fasting glucose was in the pre-diabetic range for the first time, but her two hour number was much better, though still pre-diabetic. We don't have official lab results, but the meter read 95 (normal) before starting the test. We tested her blood sugar again after 2 hours on our meter just so we wouldn't spend the next few days worrying about whether the phone would ring with bad news. It was past the 2 hour mark, but her number was 125. That's NORMAL!!! She hasn't had a normal test in years!!!! A year ago the researchers commented that it would be interesting to see if she made it through puberty. Insulin needs really shoot up during puberty & blood sugars are difficult to manage. I understand that the antibodies are still there, but I am so thankful that the Lord has given her this time and that she is doing so well! Praise God!
Andrew is doing well too. His A1c (3 month average of blood sugars) was down from last time & lower than Dex predicted. He is growing well. His alarm is going off now though...
Okay, I'm back. His continuous glucose meter (cgm) said his blood sugar was 45. I had already given him juice, so I needed to recheck him before treating again. I had to pull his hand out from the covers. He opened his eyes and stared at me strangely. Nighttime lows are the worst because you never know if your child is out of it because he's that low or if it's just because you woke him in the middle of the night. I asked if he was okay. After a long pause, he replied, "I guess so." He wasn't helping with the finger prick like normal, so I just took his hand. He pulled our hands up to his face and began kissing my hand! That's a first. I can honestly say he has never kissed me while I'm trying to prick his finger before. He won't remember it & will deny it in the morning. His blood sugar was already coming up. It's 71 now, and I fed him a complex carb (yes, he eats in his sleep), so he should be fine.
That is wonderful news for Kaitlyn