Wednesday, December 15, 2010

First Mini-Glucagon

On November 22nd, Andrew had his first mini-dose of glucagon to help him through a stomach virus. It was frightening, but a blessing to have!

Soon after dinner that night, Andrew started running low. We kept feeding & feeding, but he stayed in the 60s even though the dinner carb counts & ratios were fine. He had just started to come up when it became obvious that the culprit was a stomach virus and he wasn't digesting his food. Now, he's been low for an hour, is vomiting, and has insulin on board! He was cooperative & drinking carbs between trips, but Zofran didn't work and a perfect storm was brewing. I started to consider the ER, 911, or the Big Red (Glucagon). Glucagon was the fastest option, and he needed help NOW! I've read about mini-glucagon and Vanderbilt reminded us of the option during their sick day review on Family Day. You can mix the glucagon & then use an insulin syringe to give 1u per year of age. Gene mixed it up and I gave it to Andrew in his arm. It was a surreal feeling, but he responded really well! He came up and stayed around 150 most of the night.

I was glad that it worked out well, and I know Andrew was more comfortable at home. I'm less afraid of glucagon now. It's no longer the scary thing for the most dire of circumstances. It's another tool for keeping my baby safe. I've been frightened twice this fall by lows that didn't want to come up, so I'm going to talk to the doctor about it when we go. Andrew commented, "I like the Glucagon... it's better than all the eating."

Andrew's appointment is the 28th. Kaitlyn's OGTT is the same day. I was worried about her getting the stomach virus. She felt nauseous the same night, so I tested her BG too, and it was normal! I was so relieved! She hasn't shown any symptoms, but I admit I'm nervous about the next test for her. Please pray that Lord keeps a hedge of protection around her! Thanks!


  1. praying for good outcomes at the kids' next appt.

    Please also pray for Molly (young college student we know through theater). She had her pancreas (and a few other organs) removed this past week in SC... it's going to be a long recovery.

    thanks for the clothing for Theresa. After we go through closets this week I will probably have some young boy clothes if you need them

  2. Wow! I'll definitely be praying for Molly. I've been thinking of her all evening! How sad.

    You are most welcome on the clothes. I'm glad she can use them! Young boy clothes would be great! Thanks!

  3. Renee, how is Molly doing? I've been wondering & Kaitlyn asked this afternoon too. Does she have a blog we can follow? Thanks!

  4. She doesn't have a blog that i know about... but here is what she posted on FB yesterday

    Today I: walked, sipped water, sat up in a chair, and had my abdominal drain removed. I've been moved from Intensive Care Unit to Progressive Care Unit. Please keep prayers coming - God is working miracles! Sorry, I don't feel up to replying to each of you, but thanks for the prayers and encouragement! God bless..
