Today we went the "Hot Shots" (diabetic support group) ice skating party. It was well attended, and lots of fun! Even Will, who usually resists any kind of skating, had a good time.
While there, I talked with a mom who is enrolled in a study considering whether some type 1 diabetes can be cured with the TB vaccine. I looked it up online when I got home. A doctor has found a way to target the T cells that destroy the insulin & has reversed the disease even after full onset in mice, horses, and another animal (I forgot. Was it dogs?). It was only successful for a third of the patients. Right now the trial for people just involved them donating blood. When it comes time to try the vaccine, they expect a severe case of pancreatitis while the pancreas swells & fights the T cells that destroy insulin. She said that they would probably end up hospitalized for a couple weeks. Once the T cells are destroyed, type 1 diabetes is gone. How cool would that be???
It's interesting that yesterday Andrew was discussing what he would consider a cure. Fancy pumps coupled with even more sensors that he has to wear all the time is not a cure. Improvement over current management, but so not a cure. Neither are surgeries & immuniosuppressant drugs that only last a little over a year. He wanted a shot cure. I admit I thought it naive, but I would love to be wrong!!!
A cure would be wonderful. But I must say that experimental treatment sounds a bit scary