Well, friends are starting to ask if the natural meds have helped, so I guess it is time to post. Actually, Andrew's BG numbers have been sky high since he took the flu shot. That happened before we started the Cell Food, so, yes, I think it is the shot. Two days after the shot, he felt achy & his ears hurt. He thought he might have an ear infection, so we took him to the peditrician. The doctor took a glance at him & said that looking at his eyes, she expected it was infection not the shot. Once she looked though, she couldn't find anything. Today is one week from the shot & his BGs are just now coming back into range. They are only coming into range because his basal rate is now 19% higher than last week. Other parents of T1Ds have noticed the same trend with shots, but doctors usually think it's a coincidence. The scary part of that is many times, once the increase is needed, the kids never go back to needing the smaller amount. Does that mean he just lost more islet cells???
Of course, there are other possibilities too. He got out of school the same day, so it could be because he doesn't have P.E. & recess. That theory is hard to believe if I admit that he has earned over an hour a day in Wii Fit & is plenty active. It could be the excitement & food associated with Christmas. It could be the Cell Food. Maybe it's helping his digestion & he is absorbing more without having insulin to cover the extra glucose. Maybe it isn't good for him at all.
The truth is, I'm not sure what is going on in his little body. I know that I need to watch him extra close right now & give lots of boluses & make changes in his basal. Even if it means all new basals & carb ratios, we will figure out what he needs.
Tomorrow Ben has his 18 month check up at the doctor. He is supposed to get lots of shots. However, his eczema is acting up again. We haven't found the true cause of the eczema, but it flares up when his body is stressed by infection or antibiotic. He just finished antibiotic for his ears on Friday, and he has lots of eczema. One theory on autoimmune disease triggors is that viruses (live or dead from the shots) leak into parts of the body (say pancreas). As the body tries to kill the virus, it ends up attacking itself too. Some theorize that this is especially true for kids on or recently on antibiotics. I don't know, but I'd rather wait until Ben is completely healthy. Let's hope the pediatrician agrees!
Even if the ped doesn't agree, if you don't feel your child should have immunizations so soon after being sick just refuse them. We are the parents and docs can't force us to do things against our mommy instinct