Andrew is wearing his iPro on the left & his pump site on the right. We have nicknamed him bionic boy! The insertion hurt, & he fought tears for a few minutes. Still, he was brave! The people at Vanderbilt were great! The Child Life Specialist designed a scavenger hunt for all the patients who have come in the last few weeks. Andrew got to explore the clinic and meet lab techs, phone nurses, & even see the adult side. Each station gave him a small prize. At the last stop, he got to pick a blanket! It was really sweet and helped make a dreaded visit for him a special one! All my kids love the Child Life Specialist & love playing in her playroom. She helps them learn about diabetes & helps kids cope with living with a chronic disease.

The tape over the iPro is driving Andrew crazy! However, we want to keep it in until Monday night or Tuesday morning. Even though the sensor is recording all the readings on the chip, we don't see anything. They also want to compare the interstitial glucose with blood glucose, so we are actually testing more often! He pricks his finger before breakfast, 2 hours after breakfast, after P.E. (safety check, not iPro related), before lunch, 2 hours after lunch/before loading bus, before dinner, 2 hours after dinner, before we go to bed, and at 2 am. He had a couple extra today because of going low. Counting the site change, he will have been pricked with a needle eleven times today. All of the BG readings have to be done with Vanderbilt's meter, which we will actually mail back to them along with the iPro. That means the meter has to go with him to school & back each day. I was nervous about him remembering to bring it home, so I handed him the meter this morning & explained how important it was that he keep up with it. My phone rang at school first block. The meter was still at home. I spent another planning period running to Legacy. Andrew came to nurse (low) while I was there, so at least I got to see him.
Since this office visit was so much shorter than most, we stopped by the Nashville Zoo when we were finished! It was Andrew's first time at the zoo, & it was precious to spend that time with him! The temperature was comfortable & it wasn't at all crowded. I wished all the kids could have been there, but I also enjoyed spending one-on-one time with Andrew. He enjoyed all the animals, but his favorite one was Amber. He still wants to bring her home!

It was a great day, full of lots of blessings. God's creation is amazing, and His mercies are new every morning!
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