Every year, we walk in the JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes. Around the walk date a couple years ago, I started an "annual" update over email to our church family and a few friends. Last year, I never got around to the update. Yes, we were busy, but I think I also just didn't have the heart to share Kaitlyn's news, especially when it was still so easy to ignore it. This year, I've decided that this is where our update belongs. I'll recap a bit for friends who are seeing this for the first time.
Our lives changed on January 25, 2008 when Andrew was first diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that attacks the pancreas and its ability to make insulin. Andrew immediately began a lifesaving regimen of at least four shots a day of insulin. He had to check his blood sugar before every meal and before bed and any time that he didn't feel right to see if his blood sugar was too high or too low. A year later, he switched to an insulin pump, which allowed for more precise doses of insulin and gave us more freedom to adjust his insulin when he is active or sick. This past January, his first pump went out of warranty, and he upgraded to a touch-screen pump called the t-Slim. He is a very active young man, and blood sugars and insulin sensitivity are very affected by activity. Andrew would have lows hours after games and often at night while he was asleep. Last Fall, he upgraded to a new dexcom continuous glucose monitor which gives us much louder alarms at night when he is low. It has brought us great peace!!! I sleep so much better knowing that I will be able to hear if Andrew needs me in the night. So, this year has been one of good technological advances. It has also been a good year for Andrew personally. Though I could tell many stories of diabetes at the ball field, Andrew has persevered through it all and stayed dedicated to being an athlete. His hard work paid off last weekend when Andrew made the middle school baseball team ... despite having diabetes! We are so proud of him!!! He has also been playing football for the first time. Being at middle school, he has been much more independent in his diabetes management. He has done a great job taking care of diabetes and learning football at the same time.
Kaitlyn was officially diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in March of last year. She was diagnosed through a research study called Trialnet when she failed two successive oral glucose tolerance tests. She is still handling a normal diet though and isn't requiring any insulin! Praise God!!! She sees an endocrinologist every three months. We have seen her A1c (3 month blood sugar average) creep up slowly from 4.9 to 5.1 to 5.4 this last visit. Though still well below the 6.0 mark, we note the change and just keep an eye on her. She checks her blood sugar twice a week first thing in the morning and a couple times a week after dinner. Doctors are certain that she has the disease and that insulin dependence will come. In the meantime, we thank God for the time that she has without the worries that diabetes brings with it.
We ask that you pray with us that Kaitlyn continues to not need insulin for a very long time. Please pray for God's protection for Andrew against the complications that are associated with diabetes (kidney failure, heart disease, blindness, loss of lower limbs). Good control helps, but sometimes complications still come. Please pray for wisdom for Andrew and us as we have to make frequent and quick decisions about how to handle diabetes given the amount of food, exercise, etc. Thank you so much!!!
Here is a link to a video that Kaitlyn and Andrew made together two years ago:
Walk Video 2011
If you are interested in donating to JDRF, the link in the video is old. Try this one:
Donate to JDRF
Thank you!!!